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January 6th, 2019, 2 detectors leave the workshop for TULIP experiment at ALTO

January 6th, 2019, 2 detectors leave the workshop for TULIP experiment at ALTO

This experiment aims to study a device called “catcher” and takes place in two stages. First, the radioactive elements are produced on the Tandem line to be collected on the “catcher”, then the “catcher” is recovered for an off-line characterization by spectroscopy gamma. Contact: Julien Guillot, IJCLab, France

May 22nd, 2019, 2 detectors leave the workshop for TULIP experiment at ALTO

May 22nd, 2019, 2 detectors leave the workshop for TULIP experiment at ALTO

The Target Ion Source For Short-Lived Ion Production (TULIP) project is financed by Agence National de le Recherche, 2019-2023. To characterise the performance of the innovative Target-Ion Source Systems several independent and preliminary experiments are necessary. Production rates of radioactive species will be carried out on a standard ALTO line,...